The internet can be your greatest artistic ally. In a world where people spend an average of three hours a day online, you should seize the opportunity to grab a chunk of that time to show off your latest and greatest projects. Do I Really Need a Website? The answer depends on your audience and […]
What Could BuzzFeed Possibly Teach Artists?
I was scrolling through my news feed and I came across a BuzzFeed article about Instagram. I’ll admit that I personally found the article slightly annoying, but I also learned something about how BuzzFeed defines a “good” Instagram account. I think there are takeaways in this article that could help put working artists at an […]
Evolution of the Self-Portrait
Self-portraits have been a tool for artists since humans started documenting the world. I imagine men and women trying to draw themselves on cave walls asking, “Does this look good?” in a series of grunts. The first documented self-portrait is from 1433 and was created by a man named Jan Van Eyck. Van Eyck had […]
Time to Preach!
There is one thing that really gets on my nerves about media. People design and build a beautiful website, create social media accounts to share their creative work, and then…they go for weeks or months without posting anything on these accounts! This is a serious problem for audience members who go looking for you. I […]
Work the Cloud: Hosting Media on External Services
What’s the deal with SoundCloud, Vimeo, Instagram, Vine, and all those web applications that offer video and/or audio capabilities? If a person really wants to hear or see my work, they will come see me perform! I don’t need to market my talent like I’m auditioning for a pre-screening of American Idol. Oh! Okay, Negative […]
Instagram: Where Like Becomes Love
One of the newest digital best friends to acquire is the place where you “<3” instead of “like,” filter before you post, and can behold the central hub of selfies! This application is Instagram. From following celebrities, performing friends, and friends using the application in recreation, I have learned a lot about this tool for […]